We commit to understanding your key concerns and tailor our approach to solving these. With our own developments throughout the region we understand issues such as lack of availability of critical materials and spares, lack of qualified personnel and timely reactions to alteration requests. We aim to address these through detailed planning and operational professionals within our team.
Our services will recognise the challenges presented by a dynamic economic and political environment. We not only consider the implications of working within the region of your project, but also the extended East African region in regard to supply chains, maintaining relevant trading alliances, licensing and permits to facilitate our operations.
At TFA, we benefit from extensive support from the Sunbird Group UK Headquarters and our local offices across the region. This expertise will routinely be utilised in operational reviews, risk management and service-enhancing innovations. With expertise available in other areas such as serviced residential and office solutions, asset financing, facilities management and business process outsourcing, we offer a wider perspective that builds upon our East African knowledge to maximise the benefits we deliver to you through our service.
True partnerships are built on trust, communication and integration. Through continuous collaboration we will reinforce our relationship with clear and consistent dialogue along with the sharing of knowledge and ideas. To support this, we will undertake initial partnering workshops to align the outputs of our respective organisations and to identify the frequency and nature of communication needed to underpin an optimum service.
As our parent company is registered in the UK, we are committed to the UK Anti-Bribery Act and working ethically with our suppliers and subcontractors. This approach takes time and commitment but we believe is the basis of a strong business in East Africa.
Agility and flexibility is a key consideration within the construction industry and our organisational delivery structure has been built to rapidly evolve to meet your changing requirements over time.
Innovation will be embedded at all levels of our delivery. We actively solicit feedback and ideas from all stakeholders,including staff and suppliers to identify areas of improvement and allocate responsibilities within our
management team for implementing change. We understand that the
operating environment that we work within does not stand still and neither should our project delivery processes.
It is our priority to maintain the highest levels of protection to our workforce, building occupants, the general public and the wider environment. Our comprehensive approach to ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001
(Quality, Environment and Health & Safety) will be embedded in our delivery from the outset and supported by formal accreditation in the near future.